Letholdus the Damned

Letholdus the Damned


A medieval top-down bullet hell designed with a team of 4 over 4 months. You will play as Letholdus, a heroic knight that is the first one over the walls of Jerusalem during the first Crusade. Using his new found ability he takes the responsibility to close the portal to Hell releasing the demons and kill any hellspawn that roam on Earth or in Hell. 3 releases were achieved with code-level and user testing throughout. Available on GitHub and Itch.io.

My Role - Object Oriented Programmer

I was in charge of creating and managing any objects we had in our game. This included the creation and deletion of the player, enemies, and projectiles as well as the overall organization of the class structure. I utlizied the core fundamentals of Object Oriented Programing (OOP) such as inheritance and polymorphism to help mitigate repeated code and allow the editing of code to be easy and effective. Abstraction and encapsulation were also used within the games code. Since this was worked on with a team of 4, I was also tasked with creating a tool to parse preset enemy formations from text files and convert them to usable data.

Tools Used

C#, MonoGame Framework